The Office Hours are Monday - Thursday, 6:00 AM - 4:30 PM Phoenix Time.
Deliveries are made from 8am to 5pm. Although it would be rare, our drivers may still make deliveries on a Friday.

Serving immediate, critical needs.
Supporting long-term solutions.
Upcoming Deadlines
The deadline to apply for School Supplies is May 1st. You must be a School or a Head Start in order to qualify.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Where is Parnership With Native Americans located?
The Southwest Offices & Distribution Center is located in Phoenix Arizona. 1310 E Riverview Dr. Phoenix AZ 85034
- Can my program receive deliveries monthly?
In most cases, Yes. Please call the Support Specialist, Cassandra Herrera, to see if your program is eligible & to receive the new deadlines to turn in your reports.
- What are the deadlines for submitting holiday requests?
- Thanksgiving: Between July 1st and the third Friday in September
- Christmas: Between August 1st and the third Friday in October
- Who is eligible to work with PWNA and receive resources to help people?
Any program that provides services to clients or residents of reservations who have offices within the boundaries of the reservations we serve.
- Who do I call if I am interested in working with PWNA?
Program Manager Rick Miller on the toll free number 877-281-0808. He will answer your questions about our programs and determine if you are eligible to work with us.
- May program partners come visit the distribution center in Phoenix?
Yes, you are always welcome to come see our operations in Phoenix. Just call a few days ahead of time so we know you are coming.
- Should I check expiration dates?
Yes. You may have received products that are close to their expiration or best if used by dates. We leave it to your discretion to determine their appropriate use. As the Program Partner, please inform all participants who receive these items about the expiration dates.
The majority of our items are procured from a third-party, not directly from the manufacturer. Therefore, we ask that if you have any questions regarding the condition of any of the expired items you contact us so that we may investigate it for you.
- Can I receive a list of the warehouse inventory?
Unfortunately due to the inventory always changing we do not provide an inventory list to program partners. Your Service Coordinator will advise you on new items that fit your program after your request is received.
- What are the phone numbers to PWNA?
Toll-Free: 877-281-0808
Phone: 602-340-8050
Fax: 602-340-8055
- If the fax number is busy, may a program partner email requests to PWNA?
Yes, attach the completed PWNA request form to an email and send to: dsuchy@nativepartnership.org