The Office Hours are Monday - Thursday, 6:00 AM - 4:30 PM Phoenix Time.
Deliveries are made from 8am to 5pm. Although it would be rare, our drivers may still make deliveries on a Friday.
Serving immediate, critical needs.
Supporting long-term solutions.
Upcoming Deadlines
The deadline to apply for School Supplies is May 1st. You must be a School or a Head Start in order to qualify.
Please download your request, report, or photo release form by clicking on the relevant link below. After completing the form, please fax it to the Southwest office toll free at 1-866-682-7888 or to the local fax at 1-602-340-8055. You may also email the form to Cassandra at
You may have received products that are close to their expiration or best if used by dates. We leave it to your discretion to determine their appropriate use. As the Program Partner, please inform all participants who receive these items about the expiration dates.
The majority of our items are procured from a third-party, not directly from the manufacturer. Therefore, we ask that if you have any questions regarding the condition of any of the expired items you contact us so that we may investigate it for you.
Each year, you may send in your requests between August 1st and the 3rd Friday in October. Requests will not be filled if received before/after the deadline or if you have reports past due at the deadline.
The deadline for School Supplies is May 1st. Requests will not be filled if received after the deadline or if you have reports past due at the deadline.
You may begin sending in your requests on July 1st up until the 3rd Friday in September. Requests will not be filled if received after the deadline or if you have reports past due at the deadline.
You may begin sending in your requests on July 1st up until the 3rd Friday in September. Requests will not be filled if received after the deadline or if you have reports past due at the deadline.
The Partnership With Native Americans (PWNA) team really appreciates being able to participate in the programs and distributions our partners provide to support the people in their communities. As many of you know, we usually bring our camera along to these events. PWNA has a responsibility to let our donors know what activities and services their donations go to support. One of the ways we accomplish this is visiting with you and your participants and taking photos of your events that incorporate our products. We then provide this information for our donors in a variety of ways – letters, newsletters, on our website.
PWNA is not allowed to discuss personal information or share photos with our donors unless we have a release of information to do so. Our team always asks for releases to be signed before we take photographs or interview partners or program participants. We want to make sure you understand all of the different places the information you authorize us to use may be placed. The growth of social networking has led to an increase in the number of places you might find information about you, your clients and your community. Your signed release gives PWNA permission to use the photographs in messaging to donors or in audio and video recordings on websites that may include, but are not limited to: PWNA and program websites, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter, newspaper and magazine stories (both on line and in print form).
It is important that PWNA keep our donors informed and we strive to do so in a way that is accurate, respectful and highlights the important work you do to support the people in your communities. Thanks for your help in making this happen.