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Program Partner Home4 Directions Development Program (4D)Community Investment Projects (CIP)ServicesScheduleProgram Partner FAQContactPhotosNewslettersFormsReferralsProgram Deadlines - Please take note

The Office Hours are Monday - Thursday, 6:00 AM - 4:30 PM Phoenix Time.

Deliveries are made from 8am to 5pm.  Although it would be rare, our drivers may still make deliveries on a Friday.

PWNA logo

Serving immediate, critical needs.

Supporting long-term solutions.

Upcoming Deadlines

The deadline to apply for School Supplies is May 1st.  You must be a School or a Head Start in order to qualify.


·         All Program Partners are expected to turn in their reports in a timely manner to qualify for future deliveries. 

·         All main contacts must have a secondary contact who is knowledgeable of PWNA's service guidelines and how the incentives are used. 

·         All Program Partners must keep PWNA incentives in a secure, lockable storage area. 

·         Prior to every delivery, all Program Partners will receive a call from their Service Coordinator to confirm participant numbers and verify any changes in their programs.  If contact is not made, the order will not be shipped. 

·        You may have received products that are close to their expiration or best if used by dates.  We leave it to your discretion to determine their appropriate use.  As the Program Partner, please inform all participants who receive these items about the expiration dates. The majority of our items are procured from a third-party, not directly from the manufacturer.  Therefore, we ask that if you have any questions regarding the condition of any of the expired items you contact us so that we may investigate it for you.

·         All Program Partners must have extra volunteers/staff available to assist the PWNA delivery driver once order is offloaded from truck.





This service is designed to support organizations committed to animal welfare and rescue with the supplies they need to encourage participation in their rescue, foster and adoption activities.  If your Organization is supporting the rescue of domestic animals through foster homes or adoption then your program may be eligible for support under Animal Welfare.

(Go to request form)


·         offer services that support the domestic animals on the Native American reservations

·         keep accurate pet adoption and foster services records

·         must serve the domestic animals on the reservation and be a part of an organization committed to animals

·         must have at least 12 months experience in working with reservation animals

·         there must be a rescue or animal welfare component to the services you offer


Report forms are due 90 days from the distribution date. Paperwork to accompany report includes:

·         sign-out sheets of foster home participants receiving incentives




This service offers Christmas incentives for Children and Elders as well as a Community meal. The four options are: Children's Stockings; Santa Stops; Elder Bags; Community Meal.

(Go to request form) We will begin accepting requests on August 1st and the deadline to get them in is the 3rd Friday in October.  PWNA does not guarantee that a Program Partner will be accepted for the Holiday (Christmas) service just by submitting a request form.  All requests are reviewed and each Program Partner will be notified after the deadline of your acceptance or denial.

The Children’s Stockings and Elder Bags are gender neutral and can be given to either a male or a female participant.

The items inside the Children’s Stockings are appropriate for children aged 5-12 years old.  Items may not be safe for children younger than 5 years old and must be examined carefully if received.

In order to qualify for the Community Meal, you must have a facility where you can cook and serve the food for the community.  The entire community must be invited to the meal.


  • Be an established organization that provides services to either Children or Elders in the community
  • Require participants to sign the distribution log (sign out sheet) for incentives received
  • Report to PWNA accurately and on time
  • Provide adequate and secure storage for the incentive items
  • The request must be complete and turned in during the specified time frame 
  • Must be able to provide an event date for your distribution or meal
  • Provide volunteers to assist with the delivery and the distribution


Report forms are due 30 days from the distribution date. Paperwork to accompany report includes:

  • participant sign-out sheets
  • pictures or interesting stories from event should be forwarded with the Report




This service is designed to promote community awareness of the sponsoring program, its message, and to help increase the attendance of activities that deliver positive information to communities. The types of Community Event Programs we will support are those that encourage community members to work together for positive changes that enrich their lives and lives of others. This could include events such as: Environmental projects such as trash pickups and ditch cleaning; Trainings and Conferences that enhance the lives of children, adults, and elders; Health awareness and screenings; Health Fairs.

Any number of other community projects can qualify for support through this program.  (Go to request form)


     ·         must serve a large group (community/client base)

     ·         must be part of an established group/organization

     ·         event has a defined purpose and/or goal

     ·         program/event cannot be held at any profit generating event

     ·         requires participants to be present for the complete event before incentives are distributed


Report forms are due 30 days from the distribution date. Paperwork to accompany report includes:

   ·         participant sign-out sheets

   ·         volunteer sign-out sheets

   ·         flyer promoting event




This service provides resources to Organizations responding to a natural disaster, community-wide emergency or health emergency.



Standard Food Guidelines

Food Pantry Guidelines

There are two components to this service:

  • Standard Food: The purpose of this service is to increase the quantity or enhance the quality of meals Elderly Nutrition Centers (ENC) programs are able to provide to participants. To help program partners save funds and help increase the opportunity to purchase other nutritious foods.
  • Food Pantry: The purpose of this service is to provide reservation food pantries more products to help support the nutritional basic needs of their community members.  (Go to request form


 Standard Food

·         ENC must provide a Food program that offers a daily meal on a regular and scheduled basis. Typically offered to Program Partners that serve congregate and home bound/home delivery meals.

·         Must be part of a meal program that does not discriminate regarding who can be served.

·         ENC Programs must use our staple food items to supplement costs to purchase fresh produce and meat.

·         Must have adequate storage to accommodate ordered food.

 Food Pantry 

·         Regularly collects food and distributes to the community.

·         Must be established and organized.

·         Must have guidelines for who qualifies for food distribution.


A short report form, contained in your delivery packet(s), must be completed and returned to PWNA on the date indicated in the delivery packet.

Sign out sheets may need to be presented upon request.




This service is designed to encourage and increase the rates of participation and ongoing involvement of community members in community health-focused programs. If your Organization is delivering health education or quality of life improvement programs geared toward community members such as elders, parents, youth, and/or children then your program may be eligible for support under Healthy Living.

     Examples of some healthy living topics could include: Diet and Nutrition; Exercise; Diabetes; Behavioral Health Programs; Self-Help Workshops; Home Visits &  Appointments; Domestic Violence/Anger Management; After School Youth Programs; Alcohol/Drug Programs.   (Go to request form)


·         promote classes, home visits and/or one-on-one education to the community.

·         keep accurate attendance records and only award participants that complete the classes/sessions.

·         must incorporate an educational or quality of life improvement component to the requested classes.

·         the Healthy Living classes/workshops theme and timeframe must be included with your request.


Report forms are due 30 days from the distribution date. Paperwork to accompany report includes:

·         participant sign-out sheets

·         flyer promoting events (optional)




This service is designed to provide residential programs with the supplies they need to better serve their residents and operate their facility.  Some centers that are eligible include: homeless shelters; treatment programs; dormitories; domestic violence shelters; detention centers; mental health facilities; elder care centers; youth centers.

The Residential Program consists of two components; facility maintenance and resident care.   (Go to request form)


     ·         provide support to their residents

     ·         provide residents with the supplies received from PWNA

     ·         must be able to identify the bed capacity and monthly census of the facility


Report forms are due 90 days from the distribution date.




This service is designed to provide children with the supplies they need to begin the year and improve school enrollment (Go to request form)

The School Supplies can only be ordered once a year. The service consists of three components: Head Start, Elementary and Mid/High School.

  • Head Start School Supplies: We offer school supplies to Head Starts that consist of a variety of supplies that are age appropriate for this group. Examples could be crayons, paper and glue.
  • Elementary School Supplies: We offer school supplies to Elementary schools that consist of a variety of supplies that are age appropriate for this age group. Examples could be construction paper, glue sticks and wide ruled paper.
  • Mid/High School Supplies: We offer school supplies to Middle Schools and High Schools that consist of a variety of supplies needed for the upper grades. Examples could be pens, 3-ring binders, and calculators.


-         School administrator/official (i.e. Principal/Director) should be aware of request

-          Must recruit volunteers to help assemble supplies

-          Must have safe secure storage

-       Must submit request by deadline of May 1st


-         Must have contact person to submit report and maintain sign out sheets

-          Provide projected school enrollment numbers for upcoming school year

-          Should have a distribution plan in place

-       School supplies are to be distributed to students and NOT held as classroom supplies


Report form and sign out sheet contained in your delivery packet must be completed and returned to PWNA 30 days from the distribution date or the delivery date specified in your delivery packet.

·         Report form

·         Sign out sheets for school supplies distributed  




This service is designed to provide a community Thanksgiving meal . Eligible partners must provide services to the community.  The meal options may include: turkey, potato, stuffing, or jellied cranberry.  We will begin accepting requests on July 1st and the deadline is the 3rd Friday in September.

(Go to request form)


·         must provide a facility that can safely and effectively serve all the elders in your community

·         must provide a date as to when you will have the dinner

·         must have volunteers to help with preparing/cooking of meal


Report forms are due 30 days from the distribution date. Paperwork to accompany report includes:

  • participant sign-out sheets  

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Partnership With Native Americans SW Office
1310 E Riverview Dr.
Phoenix, AZ. 85034

Toll-Free 1-877-281-0808
Phone 1-602-340-8050
Fax  1-602-340-8055 or Toll-Free at 1-866-682-7888